


Indigenous Mentor

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Kruze Summers, also known as ​Gurruhmun, is a passionate ​Indigenous mentor dedicated to ​bringing people together for the ​good of Country and all who dwell ​upon it.

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About Kruze

As a Ugarapul and Bidjara man, he embraces his role as a ​bridge between cultures, fostering understanding and ​respect. Kruze believes that through shared knowledge and ​traditions, we can create a more harmonious world.

Kruze has created his touring and mentoring business to ​provide meaningful work and business opportunities for first ​nations peoples, to be a voice for his people and a role model ​to the next generation.


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We need to all come together for the good of Country, for the ​good of all people. It’s not just tourism, there is deep knowledge ​being shared and spread wide - for me, it’s spreading that good ​knowledge to bring good practices back that will benefit ​everyone and all things. Those relationships are so important ​and building these relationships, empowering our First Nations ​People to be treated just like anyone else, but understanding ​that we are different in some ways too - but all together to ​country, we are one when it comes to the purpose of looking ​after country and respecting it.

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Country doesn’t see ​colour... it sees spirit...


Embrace First Nations Culture


Kruze's mission is to inspire others to embrace the rich ​cultural heritage of the First Nations peoples and to use ​this understanding as a foundation for meaningful and ​lasting change.

As a trusted mentor and cultural ambassador, Kruze ​provides businesses with insights on how to engage ​with Indigenous communities in a way that is both ​respectful and beneficial. He helps you understand the ​importance of cultural sensitivity, guiding you in ​implementing practices that honour the history and ​traditions of the First Nations peoples.

Connect with Kruze

Connect with Kruze to explore how your business ​can make a meaningful impact by embracing First ​Nations culture and values. With his deep ​knowledge and approachable guidance, Kruze can ​help you navigate the path toward inclusivity, ​respect, and positive change. Reach out to learn ​how he can support your business in building ​genuine connections with Indigenous communities ​and fostering a workplace that honours the rich ​heritage of the First Nations peoples.


Work with Kruze


Kruze's walking tours offer rich cultural insights, ​exploring the significance of the land, its sacred ​sites, and the stories passed down through ​generations. You'll gain a deeper understanding ​with every step.

Welcome to country and smOKING CEREMONIES

Experience ancient smoking ceremonies, a ritual for ​Cleansing the spirit, good walk on country and safe ​passage from country and ancestors . Kruze ​explains its meaning and guides you through this ​sacred practice, inviting reflection and connection. ​Welcoming people to each others country is an old ​tradition practiced by first nations peoples for ​numerous reasons.

Cultural speaches, show and tells, knowledge sharing and story telling

Kruze offers cultural speaches to first and ​secondary Schools, Daycares, flexi Schools, ​Troubled youth programs, businesses, correctional ​facilities aged care facilities and much more. Kruze ​is passionate about sharing his culture with youth ​as they are the future and anyone whos interseted,

Let’s hear from our partners

Michael Quigley,

Mirage Whitsundays

By engaging with local stakeholders ​and embracing cultural traditions, he ​has shown a genuine desire to create ​equitable partnerships that not only ​promote tourism but also honour ​and preserve our shared heritage.

Elizabeth Hackett,

Australia Adventure Tourism Group

Kruze has contributed enormously to ​my way of thinking, he has done this ​with a mutual desire to work together ​to ensure we all leave a legacy that is ​based on respect of first nations ​culture, values & lore.

Julie & Asher Telford,

Redcat Adventures

Kruze's dedication to fostering ​genuine connections and building ​relationships has left a lasting ​impression on our community. We ​are excited to see him grow in the ​tourism industry and continue to ​positively impact those he meets.



In 2023, Kruze Summers was honoured with the ​inaugural QTIC Destination Indigenous Queensland ​Young Achiever Award, which recognises exceptional ​young Indigenous leaders for their remarkable ​commitment and contributions to tourism. The award, ​presented at the annual Queensland Tourism Awards, ​celebrates those who inspire and lead the way in ​promoting Indigenous culture and heritage through ​tourism initiatives.

Kruze brings his deep knowledge and cultural insights ​to a broader audience, sharing the rich heritage of the ​Ugarapul and Bidjara peoples.

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Kruze Summers served as a key member of the Board for ​Dhagun yumba, actively contributing to the success of the ​first land release in the Boonah District—a significant ​26-hectare area. He also played an important role on the ​Board for the Native Title Claim representing the Yuggera ​and Ugarapul peoples, advocating for their rights and ​ensuring their voices were heard in matters of land and ​heritage.

Kruze is a walking guide for a Half Day, Full Day and a 3-​day tour at Mount Barney Lodge, where he leads the ​Yarriba Dreaming experience. As Gurruhmun 'Old Man ​Kangaroo,' a proud Ugarapul and Bidjara man with deep ​ancestral roots, he welcomes you to this Country and helps ​you connect with the stunning landscapes of the Scenic Rim.

The Larrakia Principles

The Larrakia Principles are crucial for setting the right ​standards, not just in tourism but across workplaces and ​businesses in Australia. There's so much my people can offer if ​given the chance. But to make that happen, there's a need for a ​deeper understanding of who we are, the country we come ​from, and the land and waters your businesses operate on. It ​could enrich not just your business but also everyone involved, ​shifting the story toward a better future for all.

See Country Campsite

It's about coming together and embracing all cultures, setting a ​standard of respect and understanding for something much ​bigger than ourselves—for each other and, most importantly, ​for Country. It's about giving my people what they deserve—not ​just in terms of money, but respect and a true understanding of ​the unique challenges we face as First Nations Peoples in a ​society that's not designed for us. We've had only about two ​hundred years to adapt to it, and there's still a lot to learn.

I do see positive changes happening across the country, but we've still ​got a long way to go. The Larrakia Principles could be a step toward ​that change—not just for my people, but for everyone. Working ​together for the better of all Country and humanity is the goal. And ​part of that is empowering a better future for First Nations Peoples by ​allowing us to make an honest living through our culture, because ​that's where most of us find our strength and identity. It's who we are.

If our culture is the oldest living culture on the planet, we ​should all be proud of it and take the time to learn from it. The ​Larrakia Principles represent just a small piece of what I stand ​for, what I work for, and what I'm willing to fight for. We're all ​responsible for moving things forward.


Contact Kruze

If you are keen to follow my journey or are ​interested in Indigenous Culture and how you ​can make positive change, sign up for my ​newsletter. - Kruze

Phone: 0439 342 178

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Copyright Kruze Summers | 2024